Theodor Sink


/ cello

Theodor Sink is a versatile performer who works as a soloist, chamber musician and orchestra musician.

His cello teachers have been Laine Leichter, Leho Karin and Henry-David Varema, Marko Ylönen at the Sibelius Academy, and he has won numerous laureate titles at both national and foreign competitions.

In 2017, Sink was awarded the Annual Award of the Estonian Cultural Endowment´s Sound Art Endowment for a brilliant season as a soloist and orchestra musician.

As a soloist, Theodor Sink made his debut in front of ERSO in the spring of 2017, performing Erkki-Sven Tüür´s Cello Concerto at the symphony concert of the Estonian Music Days. At the opening concert of the 2018/19 season, he performed Haydn’s II Cello Concerto conducted by Neeme Järvi.

The five Beethoven Cello Sonatas performed by Theodor Sink and Kalle Randalu (piano) at the Estonia Concert Hall in December 2020 were praised by listeners and critics alike.

He has been a member of the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, the Nordic Symphony Orchestra and the Estonian Festival Orchestra, and since the 2017/18 season he has been the concertmaster of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra’s (ERSO) cello group.