Regina Udod

REGINA UDOD began her double bass studies at Viimsi Music School under the guidance of Marek Mere. She graduated from the Georg Ots Tallinn Music School under Meeme Saareväli's tutelage and completed her master's studies at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre with cum laude in the double bass class of Associate Professor Kaupo Olti (2018).

She furthered her studies under the guidance of Francisco Obieta at Vorarlberger Conservatory in Austria and Professor Alberto Bocini at the Haute École de Musique de Genève in Switzerland. Additionally, she has participated in masterclasses by Franco Petracchi, Alberto Bocini, Hans Sturm, Petru Iuga, Timothy Cobb, Thomas Martin, Iain Crawford, and others.

Regina Udod has twice been awarded the 2nd prize in the Estonian String Players' Competition (2020 and 2015). She has also received the Thomastik-Infeld special prize (2015) and a special prize for performing Eduard Tubin's Double Bass Concerto (2020), as well as a diploma and special prize at the 5th Estonian Young String Players' Competition-Festival (2010).

In June 2017, she and her double bass quartet members, Alessandra Avico (Italy), Carolina Lima de Almeida (Brazil), and Marta Gil Sanchez (Spain), were honored with the Jean-François Caponnière prize for being the best and most outstanding chamber ensemble of the year at the Haute École de Musique de Genève.

Regina Udod has performed as a soloist with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, the Narva City Orchestra, and the Haapsalu Festival Orchestra. She was an orchestra artist at the Estonian National Opera from 2009-2010 and 2011-2014. She has also played with Orchestre de la Suisse Romande (Switzerland), Kremerata Baltica Chamber Orchestra, United Strings of Europe, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Estonian Festival Orchestra, Nordic Symphony Orchestra, European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO), YXUS Ensemble, and other ensembles.

Since 2013, Regina Udod has been the assistant concertmaster of the double bass section in the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra.

/ double bass