Marion Melnik

MARION MELNIK graduated from the Sibelius Academy in Marjut Hannula's vocal class in 2008. She has furthered her training in masterclasses led by renowned opera singers (including Gundula Janowitz, Udo Reinemann, Roger Vignoles, Larissa Gergieva, Sherrill Milnes, Roland Hermann, Teresa Berganza, Margarita Gruzdeva, Wilma Vernocchi).

Melnik has successfully participated in several competitions: she was a finalist in the international series of the Pentti Koskimies Lied Competition with pianist Marko Hilpo in Kokkola (2003), a finalist in the Timo Mustakallio Singing Competition (2004), and won the Schubert Prize at the "Klassik-Mania" Vienna International Youth Singing Competition (2005). Her repertoire covers a wide range of vocal music genres, spanning from sacred and chamber music to opera, musicals, and even pop music.

She made her debut on the Finnish National Opera stage as the maid Despina in Mozart's comic opera "Così fan tutte" (2008). At the Estonian National Opera, she debuted as the page Oscar in Verdi's "Un ballo in maschera" (2009). She has also appeared in various theater roles, including Maria (Bernstein's "West Side Story"), Musetta and Mimi (Puccini's "La Bohème"), High Priestess (Verdi's "Aida"), El Agua (de Literes' "Los Elementos"); in Mozart operas: Papagena ("The Magic Flute") and Zerlina ("Don Giovanni"), among others.

Melnik has given solo concerts in Finland, Estonia, the USA, Austria, Spain, Japan, Russia, and more. In 2004, she performed for the Belgian royal family during the visit of Finnish President Tarja Halonen, and in 2006, she sang at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki during the official visit of Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves.

She has performed as a soloist with the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, Kuopio City Orchestra, Mikkeli City Orchestra, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, and Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, and has appeared at the Alion Baltic Music Festival and the Birgitta Festival. Marion Melnik has collaborated with many prominent conductors, including Eri Klas, Vello Pähn, Jüri Alperten, Arvo Volmer, Mihhail Gertz, Susanna Mälkki, and Atso Almila.

Marion Melnik is a grant recipient of the PLMF Music Trust.

/ soprano